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  Brilliant Wedding Pages

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How Do I Create My Own Wedding Website?
 Step by step instructions on how you can build your own wedding website.
Wedding Crafts
 These articles are all do-it-yourselfers for favors, veils, ceremony programs, and more!
Wedding Ceremony Articles
 Articles that will help you plan a beautiful, yet cost-effective ceremony.
Wedding Reception Articles
 Need help planning a wonderful, fun-filled reception? Check out these articles.
Budget for Your Weddding
 Budgeting for your wedding can be difficult. Get the help you need.
Reducing Wedding Stress
 These articles give tips on how to reduce your stress level.
Photo/Video Articles
 Questions to ask, tips, and advice.
Bridal Registry
 Where to register, and more.

Be Your Own Wedding Consultant

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    T H E   C O S T   E F F E C T I V E   B R I D E

    Vol 2, No. 4                       June 4, 2001


Kelly Kons, Editor,

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The Cost-Effective Bride \ Kós-t?-'fek-tiv Brid \  n.
(2001):  The about-to-be-married woman that desires the
tangible, emotional, and memorable benefits of her
wedding to outweigh the money and time spent on
producing those benefits.  She is both elegant and fun,
emotional and sensible.  She understands that more
expensive does not necessarily equal better.  She is


                  FEATURED ARTICLE

While doing research for another article, I came across
a wedding planning website that had an online budget-
maker for the bride and groom-to-be.  I thought to
myself, "Why not?  Let's give it a whirl."  So, I
entered the amount that I spent on my wedding and took
a look at what the figures it spit out were.

To my dismay, I did not agree with what I saw - at all.
Probably what I disliked the most was that it had 5-10%
of my budget going to a wedding consultant.  Sheesh!
What does a consultant do that can't be done by you or

So, here's a way to save a quick $1500 on your wedding
- don't hire a wedding consultant.  Be a do-it-
yourself-bride.  I think you will be glad you did.  I
know that most women are extremely busy these days, but
it personally brought me a lot of joy and a sense of
accomplishment to plan our wedding.  (And it wasn't
that difficult - a bit stressful, maybe, but not so

So, buck up and let me help you begin consulting for
your own wedding.  First, we need to begin with your
attitude and expectations.  Your attitude should be
this - a wedding is a day, a marriage is a lifetime.
Your expectations should be this - there is no such
thing as a fairy tale wedding.  You make it perfect
because of the personality that you add to it.  Things
go wrong everyday, why wouldn't they on your wedding

Once you have adjusted your attitude and expectations
to be those of the above, you will find it a lot easier
and less stressful to plan for your wedding.  If you
are an absolute perfectionist then, believe it or not,
I still think you should plan your own wedding - it's
the only way to guarantee that you will plan it the way
that you want it, and if anything does go wrong, you
will have no one to blame or be mad at.

Have you heard?  Our Spring Sale will save you a lot of
green!  If you sign up for a wedding website right now,
you will get your subscription FREE for a whole year!
Plus, you can get your welcome message for FREE for the
whole year, too.  Sign up now!

Next, sit down with a blank calendar, your PDA, or an
organizer, and begin to map out the months between
today and your wedding.  You might want to start by
writing a list of the things that you will need to do.
If you need a little help with this, go to a local
wedding vendor (of any kind) and I can almost guarantee
that they will have a wedding guide or planner booklet
free of charge.

But don't forget, these booklets want to sell you their
services, so they often tell you that you are going to
need everything under the sun - just remember your
budget - be creative and come up with your own ideas.
If the booklet says make appointment for wedding cake
and you are inviting 75 people, instead write in your
organizer, "Contact Aunt Jane to see if she will make
her famous chocolate chip cookie bars," etc.

Checklists are very handy and will help you out with
your planning.  In the coming months, make sure to
bring your organizer with you everywhere - or at least
a pen and paper.  That way, when you have a great idea
you can write it down right away.  And, if you
accomplish something you can cross it off your list.

Planning your wedding is going to be a lot of work, but
I think that you will find that it is not as difficult
as you might think.  Most wedding vendors are open late
in the evening to accommodate your busy schedule - just
be sure to make appointments early on, so you can get
the time that you want and the attention you deserve.
And, you will probably find that there are a couple
friends or family members who will stick by you and
help you out with anything you need.

Just keep the right attitude, stick with your budget,
keep a pen and paper with you at all times, and plan,
plan, plan.  Most importantly, have fun!  Hopefully,
this is the only time in your life that you will get to
plan your wedding, so enjoy it!

And, if you need any advice, I am here to help.  Until
next time, good luck and happy planning!

Kelly Kons, Editor

 ** Do you have questions about this or past articles?
 Please drop me a line.  I would love to hear from you
 and help you out in any way I can! **
 - Kelly Kons, Editor 

Copyright (c) 2001 Brilliance Web Design, Inc.

If you enjoy this newsletter, we would be honored to
have you forward it to your friends, however, we ask
that you only reproduce it in its entirety.

Subscriptions to this newsletter are free.  The Cost
Effective Bride is published bi-weekly.

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 ~:§:~~:§:~~:§:THE COST EFFECTIVE BRIDE ~:§:~~:§:~~:§:~          Brilliant Wedding Pages
Kelly Kons, Editor           
P.O. Box 667                   Hales Corners, WI 53130

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