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 "Love is the only gold."
- Lord Alfred Tennyson

Lori Staggs and Dave McDaniel
December 21, 2002


Our Wedding Party

  Robert and Amy
Master and Mistress of Ceremonies

Remember those Young Authors books in elementary school?  Well, I (Lori) wrote one all about my Uncle Bob, who saved the day with an ice cream cone.  When I was three or so, and we lived in Detroit, I was riding along on my tricycle, and I fell and skinned my knee.  Oh, I thought it was the end of the world, but my Uncle Bob ran to the ice cream truck and got me a cone.  The world seemed like a much better place after that.  Uncle Bob is now a principal and Aunt Amy is a health teacher at West Noble Middle School  – and I still remember what a better place the world is when you buy people ice cream.


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