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 "To say the truth, reason and love keep little company now-a-days."
- William Shakespeare

Lori Staggs and Dave McDaniel
December 21, 2002


Our Wedding Party


(Friend of the Groom)
For years, while in high school, Jason and I (David) worked together pulling practical jokes and having fun at Mom Dowdy’s expense while working on the grandiose sets of our many plays.  Though I never told him, for years Jason was my role model.  I would watch and study how he dealt with situations and then when I encountered similar ones I would ask myself  “How would Jason handle this?”  As a medical research assistant at Northwestern University Jason is continuing on his trek to become a world famous surgeon.  And except for the time we were stuck on the railroad tracks in the icy rain and an oncoming train, I have shared many fond memories with Jason and look forward to years of friendship.


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