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"Love seeketh not itself to please, nor for itself hath any care, but for another gives its ease, and builds a Heaven in Hell's despair."
- William Blake

John Foley and Kristy McCarty
November 3, 2002


1st Bedroom Colorssage green/cachie/white
1st Bathroom Colorssage green/violet
2nd Bedroom Colorsnavy blue/cachie
2nd Bathroom Colorsnavy blue/cachie
Kitchen Colorsforest green
Living Room Colorssage green
Dining Room Colorsgreens/blues
Pottery Barn
we love EVERYTHING at this store. (Even if it isn't on our list)


Wish List
We would love to have a "Aussie" BBQ.

Please send to
John and Kristy Foley
8722 Center St.
Mokelumne Hill Ca 95245

John and Kristy

Wedding Gifts & Registries


Thank you for visiting John and Kristy´s wedding web page at

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